Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ralph following Piggy's death

One of the worst things that happen to Ralph is the loss of Piggy. This shocks Ralph and makes him speechless. Soon, Jack starts stabbing him with his spear and everyone id forced to abandon him, leaving him alone. At this point, it’s impossible to determine what action to take left. He runs, fearing that not doing so would result in his death as well!

To say what I would do in such case is tough since it solely depends on the situation. However, I think I would do the same as Ralph and run fearing death. The boys were savage enough to kill Piggy under Jack’s orders, they might have done the same. One thing I would do differently is take action. Perhaps I would run and avoid getting into an argument, however if this is not controlled and Jack starts stabbing, I would turn the spear around and try killing him. He was the reason for turning everyone savage; therefore, he death might lead everyone to their human, civilized nature.

Ralph should not be critized on the way he acted and everyone should understand that he was shocked as well yet took action and fled. I salute him!
-Amira M


Anonymous said...

He didn't really have much time to process what happened, I think it all must have happened so quickly. I think you're right and he was in shock.

I definately would have ran too. Maybe if he was thinking clearly Ralph was thinking that Piggy would have wanted him to not let Jack get control of all the boys or he wanted to be able to tell someone what really happened if they were ever rescued so Piggy's death didn't go unnoticed. What do you guys think?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, But instead of stabing Jack when he tries to kill you what I would do is that I will sneak up at him at night and stab him not once but three times in the silence of the night. First one for Simon's death, Second one for Piggy's death and third one for taking all the boys on his side...I know that I am agressive but you should be in this matter!!!;)

Anonymous said...

agressive? How about violent Jasveen! I don't think it would be too easy to get to Jack with all the boys by his side and guarding their camp.