Friday, December 14, 2007

Character Development of Simon

I think Simon's my favourite character so far, just because from what I've read he seems a lot nicer and smarter than the other boys (excluding Piggy of course, he seems nice and smart too).

When we first meet Simon he stands out from all the other choir boys he's standing with, I thought he appeared weaker than them because he fainted. Granted, it was hot and he had been through a lot, but so had all the other boys and they weren't fainting. I thought that that might be the last we really hear of Simon, seeing as he didn't really strike me as an important character. But when Ralph and Jack decide to go exploring the island, Ralph choses Simon to come with them, so suddenly he's more important after all.

Simon isn't in very much of chapter 2, other than when he and Jack are telling the group about what they learned about the island. He also stands up for Piggy when Jack accuses Piggy of critisizing the fire without having helped at all. But this shows how he is much more important now than he was when he was first introduced to us. He has already gone from just being the boy who fainted to someone who all the other boys wants to hear what he has to say.

Then chapter 3 was all about Simon! We see him to be a hard and dedicated worker when he is helping Ralph build the huts even when all the other boys are just lazing around, swimming or doing things for themselves. This is when he goes from just being another boy who Ralph picked randomly to help, to someone seems to have Ralph's respect. I think that Ralph would take things that Simon says seriously now because he seems to trust him. When Simon goes off all by himself, we see a part of him we haven't seen before. We see a more secretive part of him, he leaves helping Ralph to go and sit in the hollow tree by himself. Yet we don't learn why he suddenly leaves.

And in chapter 4, simon proves to be a good friend. He runs with Ralph when they see that the fire has gone out and the ship has gone to share Ralph's disapointment. Then he proves to be a good friend to Piggy dispite how the other boys treat him. The boys could have easily turned against him when he saved what was left of Piggy's glasses and when he gave Piggy his own meat when he thought that Jack wasn't going to give him any. Yet he risked being excluded to be a good friend to Piggy, what a nice guy!

Chapter One:
On page 32, we see Simon go from a fairly unimportant character, to one who is favoured by Ralph, the chief. "Now that the pallor of his faint was over, he was a skinny, vivid litte boy, with a glance coming up from under a hut of straight hair that hung down, black and coarse. He nodded at Ralph. 'I'll come'"

Chapter Two: "'If I say anything,' cried Piggy, with bitter realism, 'you say shut up; but if Jack or Maurice or Simon-'" -page 56. This shows that now Simon is considered to be one of the important friends of Ralph, someone who Ralph will take what he says seriously.

Chapter 3: "'Simon. He helps.' He pointed at the shelters. 'All the rest rushed off. He's done as much as I have'" pg 69. This shows that not only does Ralph see Simon as a friend, but also as a hard worker. Which makes him appreciate him more, especially when nobody else on the island is doing any work at all.

Chapter 4: "Simon, sitting between the twins and Piggy, wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy, who grabbed it. The twins giggled and Simon lowered his face in shame." -pg 92. This shows that Simon is kind enough to be nice to Piggy, even when he knows that the other boys will prbably disaprove of it and could easily decide to alienate him along with Piggy.

So that's what we know about Simon so far, I hope he doesn't completely change later on in the book and turn mean or something! So far, he seems to be the nicest boy there, I think they others need him around to set a good example for them. They could learn a lesson or two from him!

-Christina S.


Anonymous said...

I never really thought about Simon before like Piggy, Jack and Ralph but I really liked the things you mentioned. I think this character was developed for a reason so he will probably play a significant role in the rest of the novel!Simon is one of my favorite characters too since he's just as curious as I am!:)

Anonymous said...

It seems like in some chapters they don't mention him at all, but then there are huge parts of chapters dedicated just too him. So sometimes he seems more important than others.

Anonymous said...

Simon is my favorite too because of his innocence. Yes, he seems really weak when he fainted at first. Ralph by choosing him for the exploration obviously made him very important. And he is the only person that respects Piggy that other boys.

Anonymous said...

Simon is supposed to be the Jesus character of the book. He's super nice and'll see why he's called the jesus character when you get to chapter 9....He's my favorite character too.